November 25, 2009





蛋黃酥成品(漂亮+美味:D) (少了芝麻因為要省錢:P)











今天早上上完課,我去學校裡的某家店問了一下寄文件的資訊。老板的態度普普通通,倒是一直鼓吹我要用Fedex寄。下午文件準備好後,我便拿去寄。(拿出文件)我說: 我要寄這個。老板(以下簡稱機車男):你要寄慢的(slow)還是快的(Fedex)?由於寄快的要十八美元,我考慮後,決定寄普通信件(根據機車男早上的說法,是二、三元)。由於文件封面需要特定的書寫格式,所以機車男看到我的文件上面貼了張紙,就在那個摳那張紙,左上角摳不動,換右下角,摳摳摳摳摳,後來才問我,為什麼你要貼這個?我說:這是必要的,於是機車男就叫我拿一個新的大的信封,把我的原來信封裝進去,外面再寫地址。(心想:這信封不用錢嗎?怎麼連說都沒說,就叫我拿了?)我那時覺得應該要錢,但為了省事,我就拿了,然後,我開始寫地址。寫完了,機車男看了看,你要這樣寫才對,於是叫我再拿一個信封(心裡開始不爽,你是不會一次講清楚喔)。格式寫錯是我的問題,所以我就乖乖地重寫一個。後來,寫了寫,他又過來看,他說,這個不對,你的city要另外寫一行(…),不過你犯的毛病不嚴重,沒啥關係(…),於是我就把後面的字劃掉,移到下一行。費了九牛二虎之力,終於把信封寫好了。他幫我拿過去稱重的樣子,接著跟我說3.5元。我問:沒有收據嗎?他才弄了一份給我。邊弄邊還語帶威脅的說,我可以給你收據,但你用這個寄沒有辦法track,丟了就丟了。拿了收據,我便走出了門。




November 21, 2009


The word lists are quite helpful and useful when you prepare for the reading part of the TOEFL test.

DDW's blog

I found that DDW has a blog. 
It is quite interesting. 
From now on, there is one more place that I can go around :P

put things in order

I still have some important things to do before I fly to Taiwan :D 
The following month will be a busy month. 

= =

After I came to the US, I gain some weight. I was a little angry since the weight was from bad food. If the weight was from nice food, then I had nothing to say. At least I enjoyed the food even though I gained weight from it.

An email

Thanks for your email. I was really moved by your words. You know, I never cried and never gave up even though I felt very stressed and disappointed in the US. However, your words made me cry. Ha~It is the tear of relief. I feel full of energy now. Thanks again.

some thoughts

Today, I went to Indy to take the TOEFL test. I cannot imagine that I take it again. Now I am kind of worried about my score since it seems that I did not do it very well. (Sigh...) Hope my score is better than the last one.

In the past few weeks, I used the time that I could spare out from my coursework and other trifles to prepare the test. During the test, I kept talking to myself to perk up: you can make it, and you have to hang on until the last minute since I was little nervous at the beginning and felt that I did not perform very well. However, now I feel quite relaxed and also full of vigor to restart.
I found it is still difficult for me to express myself in English. Actually, even in Chinese, I cannot express myself well. That's fine. It takes time. I hope one day I can speak and write good English. Gambatte~

Here, I want to give my sincere gratitude to WF. Due to his great help, I finish a lot of things. 

November 14, 2009





November 9, 2009

Do you know

why Mr. Donut is not popular in the US?

The answer is that it not sweet!

(Just a joke...)

It Was Not Bad

Food here is not good. They are usually expensive and sucks. So, I think I become more easily satisfied with unsavory food after the food experiences here. However, I still complain the food often. The picture on the top was taken by me from Maru (It is a Japanese restaurant). The food is Chicken Donburi. It tastes a little sweet, and it is good for me. Luckily, it is not very expensive.

PS: People almost have to spend more than 8 dollars to have a meal. (內心的OS: 哇哩咧…在台灣我都快可以吃鍋大爺了…這…也太難吃太貴了吧…)


Teaching is not easy and sometimes you will feel lonely when you try your best and have no any response. This was my feeling I got from the English course. In this English course, we are asked to give four lectures of 15~20 minutes to the undergraduate students here. So, most of them are Americans.

Up to now, I have finished three of my presentations. I still remembered clearly the 100% silence when I talked Doppler effects to the audience, who was not from science. It was scary and terrible. You did not what they were thinking. They had no any expression, and all were with poker faces. During the presentation, the question "did I have any problem? " constantly knocked me on the head. I felt very uncomfortable then. Fortunately, I finished it :D

I indeed learned a big lesson from this experience. Actually, it was not my fault when the audience was totally silent! Only thinking so, and grasping the passion I had toward physics can make me keep on comfortably. That is why I can succeed in finishing my third presentation.

But you know, as a speaker in the spot, no body wants no response. Any comment is very welcome for the speaker, and that will make them feel very achieved and satisfied!


Enjoy your life

Once I had an opportunity to talk with my friend from Sir Lenka. He said that the five years of pursuing PhD here is also part of my life. So, I would like to enjoy it. Money can go easily, and you may have any unexpected accident tomorrow. So, you have to enjoy your life at every moment you have now. I can not agree with him anymore. And he also reminded me one of my bad weakness of thinking. Sometimes, I tried to forget the hardest time was also part of my life. I tended to think in this way: I had to survive and went through the toughness. I thought only the glory moment I was desperate to achieve belonged to my life! But actually this kind of thinking only brought me more pressure, and made me forget to enjoy the precious moment in my life. So, the conclusion is to enjoy your life!

November 7, 2009


There are so many ladybugs here. Some of them constantly flied into my room. (Annoying...) I found I started to dislike ladybugs. Just like cockroaches, once the number grows up, you found it was not cute anymore.